The Hammer of the North

A young woman blazing the path of her family's deep rooted traditions, ever seeking to achieve excellence in her craft, and to help reinforce the foundations of the world she proudly calls home.

Nevra Maybach:

"Experience and skill does not only come from within the shop. It's all around you! From the very earth you stand upon to the aether deep within your core. Go out and explore for as much as you think you know, there is always more to be learned....."
-Nevra Maybach

The young Rava spent most of her early years clinging to her father's side, stricken by the curiosity of growing child, and always so persistent to get her hands on whatever her parents specifically told her not to. You see her father was a renowned artisan, a blacksmith, and there was no end to the dangerously sharp and shiny objects that traveled throughout their home. Well, to be quite frank, not only was her father's forge a wonder of amazement for a girl like her, but it was also the warmest spot in all of Coerthas! (or so she bragged to all the other children in Ishgard) Her father's flame said even to rival the mighty Nidhogg and should he face the great Wyrm himself, he'd fight fire with fire and slay the beast!

Nevra was quite the adventurer, or so she believed for a girl her age, singing and spreading wondrous tales passed down to her from her mother. The young girls confidence truly shone throughout Ishgard, a sparkling beacon of light amidst the dark crimson ocean that was the Dragonsong War. Kids would drag their mothers, fathers, brothers and sisters down to the Maybach's forge to listen to little Nevy's mother paint upon the vocal tapestry of her poems and stories. Had the Maybach family not already been well respected by not one, but all the houses of Ishgard for their masterful craftsmanship, the courage and hope that the tiny Viera instilled within the hearts of so many would surely have earned them their stay.

Dusk to Dawn


Years carried on through the bloodied war, an ending not within sight as a hardened and struggled future was laid in stone within the youth's fate. Unfortunately, year after year, a familiar face would no long seem so familiar to the Viera. The cold truth of the world began to finally settle inside the innocent Rava's mind, the joyous facade she painted over life as such a spirited little girl began to shatter with each passing day. She began to see the suffering around her, the pain her neighbors endured and the dread that filled the frozen streets.

Pressing Onward

Nevra decided she had seen enough suffering and gave Hydaelyn the finger! (granted she threw up the wrong finger, but hey, she had spirit). One afternoon, little Nevra's father was greeted by a strange man at their door. He was holding a worn sack, the weight of its contents sinking at the bottom as he held it up to the father. Apparently Nevra had spent every coin she had earned on materials from a local vendor and even had it delivered directly to her own home! The costs were of course greatly discounted for the small Viera to afford as no one could say no to her adorable pleading eyes and her droopy ears. That very night, at the age of fourteen, she began her official training underneath her father's teachings to become a blacksmith and to craft her first hammer from the materials she had bought. This would be the start of her journey on mending the worlds wounds.

Fire and Steel

From the very moment she laid eyes upon her first hammer, she knew the greatness she could achieve with just a little hope and a lot a stubbornness! Well maybe not so much stubbornness but willpower. From then on she continued her fathers teachings, living the Maybach legacy and forged one dull and crappy sword after another until the years of practice that followed payed off, landing her contracts from each of the high houses to fulfill alongside her father. At seventeen she had finally been recognized as a self sufficient blacksmith throughout Ishgard and had legally acquired any and all documents needed to sell her own work. Her parents were beyond proud, seeing their daughter take up the hammer to not only spur in a profit but to hear mention of her name in restoration efforts all throughout the city. Not long after would she also take her skills to helping those all throughout the surrounding areas around Ishgard.


After a bloodied millenium of war and conflict, peace had shown bright upon Ishgard. The news broke out that the Dragonsong War was finally over and how joyed was the city to hear. Nevra took in all manners of contracts in order to help restore and help what was once lost. She may not be able to mend a widows broken heart but she could help rebuild homes, craft even stuff as simple as silverware for families and forge for a better future. The twenty year old girl had a world of opportunities laid bare for her take and take them she did. Her name would be remembered along with every man, woman, and child who bravely weathered through the storm for years and never gave up.

A Prosperous Tomorrow

Nevra continued to lead a healthy and well off life with her parents until she grew to be twenty three years old. It was time for her to begin her own adventure and set off on her journey. Firstly, with the funds she accrued, she had bought the materials and crew to build her own forge out in the east within the mountains. Nevra quickly became a renowned blacksmith in not only Coerthas but nearly all of Eorzea! She would receive business from all manners of folk be it rich or poor, she would not discriminate. Her craftsmanship was incomparable to anything else out there which rose many questions as to how Nevra created such immaculate items. Her answer lies within the near unlikely companionship between herself and a dragon. Yep! Nevra befriended a wounded dragon who had been hunted down by hatred fueled Ishgardians, his wings ripped leaving him a flightless target for predators. Nevra nursed the dragon as best she could, keeping him safe at her forge when he offered his allegiance to her for saving his life. Though within short time in each others company, they found themselves not as Man and Dragon but as friends. Through this companionship did Nevra come up with an insane idea, never to be done in recorded history. She tossed aside the traditional methods of blacksmithing and turned to dragon fire to forge her blades.

Thank you!

For the basic details about Nevra please read below!

Name: Nevra Maybach
Race: Viera (Rava)
Age: 23
Height: 6'3"
Gender: Female
Occupation: Blacksmith
Data Center/World: Aether/Jenova